<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <macro name="pupillen" version="1.0"> <resume language="lua"> out = '' if ( getValue('pupillen.odxt.mangler') == '' ) then out = out .. 'Pupillen, o.dxt: ' .. getValue('pupillen.odxt') .. '\n' end if ( getValue('pupillen.osin.mangler') == '' ) then out = out .. 'Pupillen, o.sin: ' .. getValue('pupillen.osin') .. '\n' end if ( getValue('pupillen.supplerende') ~= '' ) then out = out .. '\n' out = out .. getValue('pupillen.supplerende') end return out </resume> <queries> <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/> <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/> </queries> <maps> <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map"> value = 0 timestamp = 0 source = '' if( missing_eye_odxt ) then if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' ) then value = '' timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp source = missing_eye_odxt.source else value = 'mangler' timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp source = missing_eye_odxt.source end end return value, timestamp, source </map> <map name="missing_eye_osin_map"> value = 0 timestamp = 0 source = '' if( missing_eye_osin ) then if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' ) then value = '' timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp source = missing_eye_osin.source else value = 'mangler' timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp source = missing_eye_osin.source end end return value, timestamp, source </map> </maps> <scripts> <script language="lua" name="right_eye"> if ( value == 'mangler' ) then disable('right_eye_frame') else enable('right_eye_frame') end return true </script> <script language="lua" name="left_eye"> if ( value == 'mangler' ) then disable('left_eye_frame') else enable('left_eye_frame') end return true </script> </scripts> <widgets caption="Pupillen" layout="vbox"> <frame layout="hbox"> <!-- o.dxt --> <frame layout="vbox"> <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.dxt" name="pupillen.odxt.mangler" script="right_eye" map="missing_eye_odxt_map" truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/> <frame name="right_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="hbox"> <frame layout="vbox"> <label caption="Pupillen:"/> <label caption=""/> </frame> <altcombobox name="pupillen.odxt" value="" layout="vbox"> <item caption="Normal isokori og lysreaktion" value="Normal isokori og lysreaktion"/> <item caption="Miosis" value="Miosis"/> <item caption="Mydriasis" value="Mydriasis"/> <item caption="Amblyop reaktion" value="Amblyop reaktion"/> <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="pupillen.odxt.andet"> <label caption="Andet:"/> <lineedit name="pupillen.odxt.andet"/> </altitem> </altcombobox> </frame> </frame> <!-- o.sin --> <frame layout="vbox"> <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.sin" name="pupillen.osin.mangler" script="left_eye" map="missing_eye_osin_map" truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/> <frame name="left_eye_frame" caption="o.sin" layout="hbox"> <frame layout="vbox"> <label caption="Pupillen:"/> <label caption=""/> </frame> <altcombobox name="pupillen.osin" value="" layout="vbox"> <item caption="Normal isokori og lysreaktion" value="Normal isokori og lysreaktion"/> <item caption="Miosis" value="Miosis"/> <item caption="Mydriasis" value="Mydriasis"/> <item caption="Amblyop reaktion" value="Amblyop reaktion"/> <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="pupillen.osin.andet"> <label caption="Andet:"/> <lineedit name="pupillen.osin.andet"/> </altitem> </altcombobox> </frame> </frame> </frame> <!-- Supplerende tekstfelt --> <frame name="supplerende_frame" layout="hbox"> <label caption="Supplerende:"/> <lineedit name="pupillen.supplerende"/> </frame> <!-- Knapper --> <frame layout="hbox"> <spacer /> <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/> </frame> </widgets> </macro>