/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /*************************************************************************** * server.cc * * Wed Aug 22 12:16:03 CEST 2007 * Copyright 2007 Bent Bisballe Nyeng * deva@aasimon.org ****************************************************************************/ /* * This file is part of Pracro. * * Pracro is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Pracro is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Pracro; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. */ #include "server.h" #include "tcpsocket.h" #include <errno.h> #include <stdlib.h> // For fork #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include "configuration.h" #include "transaction.h" #include "transactionparser.h" #include "templateparser.h" #include "macroparser.h" #include "queryhandler.h" #include "queryhandlerpracro.h" #include "queryhandlerpentominos.h" #include "queryparser.h" #include "luaquerymapper.h" #include "database.h" #include "widgetgenerator.h" #include "resumeparser.h" #include "journal_commit.h" #include "xml_encode_decode.h" static std::string error_box(std::string message) { std::string errorbox = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" "<pracro version=\"1.0\">\n" " <course name=\"error\">\n" " <macro name=\"error\" static=\"true\">\n" " <window caption=\"ERROR!\" layout=\"vbox\" name=\"error\">\n" " <textedit name=\"errorlabel\" value=\"" + message + "\"/>\n" " </window>\n" " </macro>\n" " </course>\n" "</pracro>\n"; return errorbox; } class NotFoundException : public Exception { public: NotFoundException(Request &r) : Exception("Macro " + r.macro + " not found in course " + r.course) {} }; static std::string handleTransaction(Transaction *transaction, TCPSocket *pentominos_socket, Database *db) { std::string answer; answer += "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"; answer += "<pracro version=\"1.0\">\n"; try { // // Handle commits // { Commits::iterator i = transaction->commits.begin(); while(i != transaction->commits.end()) { Commit &commit = *i; MacroParser mp(commit.macro); mp.parse(); Macro *macro = mp.getMacro(); std::string resume = resume_parser(macro->resume, commit); commit.fields["journal.resume"] = resume; db->commitTransaction(transaction->user, transaction->cpr, *macro, commit.fields); bool store_in_journal = true; // We always need to store in journal! // macro->resume.attributes.find("store_in_journal") != macro->resume.attributes.end() && // macro->resume.attributes["store_in_journal"] == "true"; if(resume != "" && store_in_journal) { journal_commit(transaction->cpr.c_str(), transaction->user.c_str(), Conf::journal_commit_addr.c_str(), Conf::journal_commit_port, resume.c_str(), resume.length()); } i++; } } // // Handle requests // Requests::iterator i = transaction->requests.begin(); while(i != transaction->requests.end()) { Request &request = *i; PRACRO_DEBUG(server, "Handling request - macro: %s, course: %s\n", request.macro.c_str(), request.course.c_str()); // Read and parse the template file. TemplateParser tp(request.course); tp.parse(); Template *templ = tp.getTemplate(); answer += " <course name=\""; answer += templ->course.attributes["name"]; answer += "\">\n"; bool foundmacro = false; // Generate the macro and return it to the client std::vector< Macro >::iterator mi2 = templ->course.macroes.begin(); while(mi2 != templ->course.macroes.end()) { Macro ¯o = (*mi2); // FIXME: This is to be made in some other way in a later version. if(macro.attributes.find("header") != macro.attributes.end()) { // Macro is a special headline macro // Simply output a headline, and ignore the rest of it. answer += " <macro header=\"" + macro.attributes["header"] + "\"></macro>\n"; mi2++; continue; } bool completed = db->checkMacro(transaction->cpr, macro.attributes["name"]); answer += " <macro completed="; if(completed) answer += "\"true\""; else answer += "\"false\""; std::map< std::string, std::string >::iterator ai = macro.attributes.begin(); while(ai != macro.attributes.end()) { std::string name = ai->first; std::string value = ai->second; answer += " "+name+"=\"" + value + "\""; ai++; } if(macro.attributes["name"] == request.macro || (macro.attributes.find("static") != macro.attributes.end() && macro.attributes["static"] == "true") ) { foundmacro = true; MacroParser mp(macro.attributes["name"]); mp.parse(); Macro *m = mp.getMacro(); answer += " caption=\"" + m->window.attributes["caption"] + "\""; answer += ">\n"; LUAQueryMapper lqm; //////////////////////// std::vector< Query >::iterator qi = m->queries.begin(); while(qi != m->queries.end()) { Query &query = *qi; std::string service = query.attributes["service"]; if(service == "pentominos") { // Send the queries to Pentominos (if any) QueryHandlerPentominos qh(pentominos_socket, transaction->cpr); QueryResult queryresult = qh.exec(*qi); lqm.addQueryResult(queryresult); } if(service == "pracro") { // Send the queries to Pentominos (if any) QueryHandlerPracro qh(db, transaction->cpr); QueryResult queryresult = qh.exec(*qi); lqm.addQueryResult(queryresult); } qi++; } // Handle scripts if(m->scripts.size()) { answer += " <scripts>\n"; std::vector< Script >::iterator spi = m->scripts.begin(); while(spi != m->scripts.end()) { answer += " <script language=\"" + spi->attributes["language"] + "\" name=\"" + spi->attributes["name"] + "\">\n"; answer += xml_encode(spi->attributes["code"]); answer += "\n </script>\n"; spi++; } answer += " </scripts>\n"; } answer += widgetgenerator(transaction->cpr, *m, lqm, db); } else { // only find macro title MacroParser mp(macro.attributes["name"]); mp.parse(); Macro *m = mp.getMacro(); answer += " caption=\"" + m->window.attributes["caption"] + "\""; answer += ">\n"; } if(completed) { answer += " <resume>"; answer += db->getResume(transaction->cpr, macro, time(NULL) - Conf::db_max_ttl); answer += "</resume>\n"; } answer += " </macro>\n"; mi2++; } if(foundmacro == false && request.macro != "") throw NotFoundException(request); answer += " </course>\n"; i++; } answer += "</pracro>\n"; } catch( std::exception &e ) { answer = error_box(xml_encode(e.what())); } PRACRO_DEBUG(server, "Done handling transaction\n"); PRACRO_DEBUG(serverxml, "%s\n", answer.c_str()); return answer; } static void handleConnection(TCPSocket *socket) { TCPSocket pentominos_socket; #ifndef WITHOUT_PENTOMINOS pentominos_socket.connect(Conf::pentominos_addr, Conf::pentominos_port); #endif/*WITHOUT_PENTOMINOS*/ Database *db = new Database("pgsql", Conf::database_addr, "", Conf::database_user, Conf::database_passwd, ""); ssize_t size; char buf[4096]; Transaction *transaction = NULL; TransactionParser *parser = NULL; // while( (size = socket->read(buf, sizeof(buf))) != -1) { while( (size = socket->read(buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) { PRACRO_DEBUG(server, "Read %d bytes from network\n", size); while(size) { if(transaction == NULL) { transaction = new Transaction(); } if(parser == NULL) { parser = new TransactionParser(transaction); } PRACRO_DEBUG(server, "Got %d bytes in read loop\n", size); if(parser->parse(buf, size)) { PRACRO_DEBUG(server, "Got complete XML document %d bytes used, %d bytes in current buffer.\n", parser->usedBytes(), size); socket->write(handleTransaction(transaction, &pentominos_socket, db)); size = size - parser->usedBytes(); delete transaction; transaction = NULL; delete parser; parser = NULL; } else { size = size - parser->usedBytes(); } if(size > 0) { strcpy(buf, buf + size); PRACRO_DEBUG(server, "Replaying %d bytes.\n", size); } } } if(transaction) { delete transaction; transaction = NULL; } if(parser) { delete parser; parser = NULL; } PRACRO_DEBUG(server, "Out of read loop!\n"); } //#define NON_FORKING #include <sys/socket.h> extern bool pracro_is_running; void server() { port_t port = Conf::server_port; TCPSocket *socket = NULL; try { socket = new TCPSocket("Listen socket"); socket->listen(port); } catch (Exception &e) { PRACRO_ERR_LOG(server, "Error during parsing:\n%s\n", e.what()); delete socket; socket = NULL; return; } while(pracro_is_running && socket->connected()) { { // Reload if new port is assigned. int old_port = port; port = Conf::server_port; if(port != old_port) { // Start listening on the new port delete socket; socket = new TCPSocket("Listen socket (reloaded)"); socket->listen(port); } } TCPSocket *child = socket->accept(); if(child) { #ifndef NON_FORKING switch(fork()) { case -1: // error PRACRO_ERR_LOG(server, "Could not fork: %s\n", strerror(errno)); break; case 0: // child delete socket; #endif/*NON_FORKING*/ handleConnection(child); delete child; #ifndef NON_FORKING return; default: // parent delete child; break; } #endif/*NON_FORKING*/ } } //socket->shutdown(); delete socket; PRACRO_DEBUG(server, "Server gracefully shut down.\n"); } #ifdef TEST_SERVER char request[] = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n" "<pracro cpr=\"2003791613\" version=\"1.0\">\n" " <request macro=\"example\" course=\"example\"/>\n" "</pracro>\n"; int main() { Configuration conf("../etc/pracrod.conf"); initConfig(&conf); switch(fork()) { case -1: // error return 1; case 0: // child server(); return 0; default: // parent { TCPSocket socket; int port = config()->lookup("port"); socket.connect("localhost", port); socket.write(request); char buf[32]; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); while(socket.read(buf, 31)) { printf(buf); fflush(stdout); memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); } } return 0; } return 1; } #endif/*TEST_SERVER*/