.\" Process this file with
.\" groff -man -Tascii miav.conf.1
.TH MIAV.CONF 1 "June 2005" Linux "User Manuals"
MIaV \- The Multicast Image and Video project. Configuration file.
.B /etc/miav.conf
.I [property] = [value]
.B property
is a string without quotes, containing only normal characters. It is
case sensitive.
.B value
is one of the following:
.I string
A string is a sequence of characters, double quoted, and not
containgning newlines.
.I integer
An integer is a normal number, without qoutations, it may only
contain the characters 0-9.
.I float
A float is a floating point value, written without qoutations and
using a dot as the decimal indetifier.
.I boolean
A boolean is a string written without quotation, the following
three is equivalent: 
.I 1, true, yes.
The following three are equivalent:
.I 0, false, no.
MIaV \- The Multicast Image and Video project.

The MIaV configuration file:

.B Log files of the server and the client.
The values 
.I client_log_file
.I server_log_file
needs to be set to a string (double qouted) containing a filename,
which is writable by the user the program is run by. Please note that
.I user
.I group
properties do not apply to the client.

.B Cpr Database configuration.
.I cpr_host
property must be set to a string (double quoted) sontaining a valid
dns name for a cpr server.
.I cpr_port
is the port number on which to contact the cpr server, and the
.I cpr_timeout
property is the number of miliseconds before bailing out, if the cpr
server does not reply.

.B Video source.
.I video_width
.I video_height
properties are integers setting the width and height of the client

.B Size of the screen in inches.
.I screensize
.I pixel_width
.I pixel_height

.B Skip frames in the player.
.I player_skip_frames
Set to 1 if client is slow ( less than 1.5 ghz )

.B How and where to connect to the miav server?
.I server_addr
.I server_port

.B Run the server as the following user:
.I server_user
.I server_group

.B Where to store the files recieved by the server
.I server_movie_root
points to the root folder of the directory structure (Which is created
by MIaV) to contain the movie clips.
.I server_image_root
points to the root folder of the directory structure (Which is created
by MIaV) to contain the images clips.

.B Video output controls.
.I frame_sequence
A sequence of I and P, where I is keyframes
which is fast to create, but uses a lot of discspace.
P uses changes since last frame, is more cpu intensive, but uses a
lot less diskspace than I frames

.B Frame quality.
.I frame_quality
in % - 100% is best quality

.B Encoder threads.
The number of threads started for parallel encoding on the server
(for multiprocessor systems)
.I encoding_threads

.B Encoder codec.
Codec is one of the following:
"mpeg1" For use with mpeg1 encoding.
"mpeg4" for use with mpeg4 encoding
default is "mpeg1"
.I encoding_codec
client_log_file	= "/var/log/miav_client.log"
server_log_file	= "/var/log/miav_server.log"

cpr_host	= "cpr.example.com"
cpr_port	= 10301
cpr_timeout	= 10000

video_width	= 720
video_height	= 576

screensize	= 19.0
pixel_width	= 1024
pixel_height	= 768

player_skip_frames = no

server_addr	= "miav.example.com"
server_port	= 18120

server_user	= "miav"
server_group	= "miav"

server_root	= "/var/miav_files"

frame_sequence	= "IPPPP"

frame_quality	= 85

encoding_threads = 1

encoding_codec 	= "mpeg4"
.I /etc/miav.conf
The system wide configuration file.
.BR miav (1)
Bent Bisballe <deva at aasimon dot org>