# The MIaV configuration file

# Cpr Database configuration
cpr_host	= "cpr.j.auh.dk"
cpr_port	= 10301
cpr_timeout	= 10000

# Video source
video_width	= 720
video_height	= 576

# Size of the screen in inches
screensize	= 19.0
pixel_width	= 1024
pixel_height	= 768

# How and where to connect to the miav server?
server_addr	= ""
server_port	= 18120

# Where top store the files recieved by the server
server_root	= "/home/miav/miav_files"

# Video output controls. A sequence of I and P, where I is keyframes
# which is fast to create, but uses a lot of discspace.
# B uses changes since last frame, is more cpu intensive, but uses a
# lot less diskspace than I frames
frame_sequence	= "IIPIP"

# quality in % - 100% is best quality
frame_quality	= 80

# The number of threads started for paralel encoding on the server
# (for multiprocessor systems)
encoding_threads = 2