email = $email; $this->timestamp = $timestamp; } public function send($subject, $message, $subject_prefix, $sender, $replyto, $footer, $unsubscribe_url) { $message .= "\n\n".$footer; $message .= "\n\nTo stop receiving this newsletter, click the following link: ".$unsubscribe_url."&action=unsubscribe&email=". $this->email . "\n"; $headers = "From: " . $sender . "\r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: " . $replyto . "\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion(); $subject = "[".$subject_prefix."] " . $subject; $ret = mail($this->email, $subject, $message, $headers); if(!$ret) echo "Fail(".$this->email.")"; } } class Mailinglist { private $file; private $mailinglist = array(); public $subj_prefix; public $sender; public $replyto; public $footer; public $unsubscribe_url; public function add($email) { $key = $email->email; if(array_key_exists($key, $this->mailinglist)) return false; $this->mailinglist[$key] = $email; return true; } public function remove($email) { if(array_key_exists($email, $this->mailinglist)) { unset($this->mailinglist[$email]); return true; } return false; } public function write() { $fp = fopen($this->file, "w"); fwrite($fp, "\n"); fwrite($fp, "subj_prefix . "\"\n"); fwrite($fp, " sender=\"" . $this->sender . "\"\n"); fwrite($fp, " replyto=\"" . $this->replyto . "\"\n"); fwrite($fp, " unsubscribe_url=\"" . $this->unsubscribe_url . "\">\n"); fwrite($fp, " \n"); foreach($this->mailinglist as $email) { fwrite($fp, " email, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . "\"\n"); fwrite($fp, " timestamp=\"" . $email->timestamp . "\">\n"); fwrite($fp, " \n"); } fwrite($fp, "\n"); fclose($fp); } private function read() { $dom = new DomDocument; $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = FALSE; $dom->load($this->file); $nl = $dom->documentElement; $this->subj_prefix = $nl->getAttribute('subj_prefix'); $this->sender = $nl->getAttribute('sender'); $this->replyto = $nl->getAttribute('replyto'); $this->unsubscribe_url = $nl->getAttribute('unsubscribe_url'); $footers = $dom->getElementsByTagName('footer'); if($footers) { foreach($footers as $f) { $this->footer = $f->textContent; } } $params = $dom->getElementsByTagName('email'); foreach ($params as $param) { $email = new Email($param->getAttribute('email'), $param->getAttribute('timestamp')); $this->add($email); } } public function subscribe($emailaddr) { $str = ""; if($emailaddr == "") return ""; $email = new EMail($emailaddr, time()); if($this->add($email)) { $this->write(); $str .= "
The email: " . $emailaddr . " has now been subscribed.
"; } else { $str .= "
The email: " . $emailaddr . " is already subscribed.
"; } return $str; } public function unsubscribe($emailaddr) { $str = ""; if($this->remove($emailaddr)) { $this->write(); $str .= "
The email: " . $emailaddr . " has now been unsubscribed.
"; } else { $str .= "
The email: " . $emailaddr . " is not subscribed.
"; } return $str; } public function post($subject, $message) { $sz = sizeof($this->mailinglist); echo "
Sending ". $sz ." mails
\n<"; ob_flush(); flush(); $num = 0; $lvl = 0; $steps = floor($sz / 10) + 1; foreach($this->mailinglist as $email) { $email->send($subject, $message, $this->subj_prefix, $this->sender, $this->replyto, $this->footer, $this->unsubscribe_url); $pct = $num / $sz * 100; if($pct >= $lvl) { printf("%.0f%%", $lvl); $lvl += 100/$steps; } else { echo "."; } ob_flush(); flush(); $num++; } echo "[100%]>\n
\n"; echo "[CLOSE]"; echo "
\n"; ob_flush(); flush(); } public function Mailinglist($file) { $this->file = $file; if(file_exists($file)) $this->read(); } } class Newsletter { private $file; private $mailinglist; // Admin config public $admin_title = "NewsLetter"; public $admin_submodules = array("Send newsletter" => "send", "Config" => "config"); public function admin_send($action, $vars) { global $UID, $ICONS_DIR; switch($action) { case "send": $this->mailinglist->post($vars["subject"], $vars["content"]); break; case "preview": $testmail = new Email($vars["testaddr"], 0); echo "
\n"; echo $testmail->send($vars["subject"], $vars["content"], $this->mailinglist->subj_prefix, $this->mailinglist->sender, $this->mailinglist->replyto, $this->mailinglist->footer, $this->mailinglist->unsubscribe_url); echo "A test mail has been sent to ".$vars["testaddr"]."
\n"; echo "

Looking ok?

"; $form = new Form("send"); $form->addWidget(new Hidden($vars)); $form->addWidget(new Button("yes")); $form->render(); $form = new Form("retry"); $form->addWidget(new Hidden($vars)); $form->addWidget(new Button("no")); $form->render(); break; case "retry": $testaddr = $vars["testaddr"]; $subject = $vars["subject"]; $content = $vars["content"]; default: $form = new Form("preview"); $form->addWidget(new LineEdit("Test address:", "testaddr", $testaddr)); $form->addWidget(new LineEdit("Subject:", "subject", $subject)); $form->addWidget(new TextEdit("Content:", "content", $content)); $form->addWidget(new Button("Send")); $form->render(); break; } } public function admin_config($action, $vars) { switch($action) { case "update": $this->mailinglist->subj_prefix = $vars["subj_prefix"]; $this->mailinglist->sender = $vars["sender"]; $this->mailinglist->replyto = $vars["replyto"]; $this->mailinglist->footer = $vars["footer"]; $this->mailinglist->unsubscribe_url = $vars["unsubscribe_url"]; $this->mailinglist->write(); break; default: $form = new Form("update"); // $form->addWidget(new LineEdit("Subject prefix:", "subj_prefix", $this->mailinglist->subj_prefix)); $form->addWidget(new LineEdit("Sender:", "sender", $this->mailinglist->sender)); $form->addWidget(new LineEdit("Reply to:", "replyto", $this->mailinglist->replyto)); $form->addWidget(new TextEdit("Footer:", "footer", $this->mailinglist->footer)); $form->addWidget(new LineEdit("Unsubscribe URL::", "unsubscribe_url", $this->mailinglist->unsubscribe_url)); $form->addWidget(new Button("Update")); $form->render(); break; } } public function admin($sub, $action, $vars) { switch($sub) { case "send": $this->admin_send($action, $vars); break; case "config": $this->admin_config($action, $vars); break; } } public function run($params) { global $page; global $newsletter_action; global $_POST, $GLOBALS; $email = $_POST["newsletter_email"]; // get from lineedit. if($email == "") $email = $GLOBALS["newsletter_email"]; // get from link. $str = ""; $str .= "
\n"; $str .= "
\n"; $str .= "
\n"; $str .= " \n"; $str .= " \n"; $str .= "
\n"; $str .= "
\n"; $str .= "
\n"; if($newsletter_action == "subscribe") { $str .= $this->mailinglist->subscribe($email); } if($newsletter_action == "unsubscribe") { $str .= $this->mailinglist->unsubscribe($email); } return $str; } private function read() { $this->mailinglist = new Mailinglist($this->file); } public function Newsletter($file) { $this->file = $file; if(file_exists($file)) $this->read(); } } function newsletter_init() { global $DATA_DIR; return new Newsletter($DATA_DIR . "/newsletter.xml"); } ?>